

The PreK class is designed for the four or five year old that will be entering Kindergarten the following year. The program continues the important foundation of social and emotional development started in our preschool program.  The increase in communication skills, as well as the growing sense of independence, shifts the focus of the program to include more work on problem solving and social skills. To this end, the teachers encourage and support creative thinking, curiosity and independent decision making through a project approach to curriculum.

The students in this class will be offered a wide range of experiences and opportunities for learning. The curriculum considers the needs and interest of the group and addresses each of the important areas of learning: math, science, social studies, language and literacy. Each day includes an opportunity for children to eat lunch at school with their peers. Teachers invite parents to join the classroom on a volunteer basis.

Class Information:

  • Children turning 4 by Aug 30th
  • 9:00AM – 1:00 PM
  • Class meets 4 days per week September – May
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday